Sunday, 17 January 2010

Gaming Mission

Well about 20 games have fallen from the Asta train through my letterbox. All 360 titles which I will be trying over the coming weeks, I'll probably not write full reviews about them but will deffo share my opinion of them.
Already possibly the greatest worst game ever is PDC Darts LOL it's is graphically boring and the gameplay is basic at best HOWEVER the geordie commentator is pure comedy genius (I have since learned his name is Sid Wadell or something and he is actually like that LOL), the stuff he comes out will is bizarre. The gameplay also reminds of Bullseye on the Spectrum which was king awesomness. Fucking great shit game, totally great shitness, world class ace shitness - if you see this game for 59p buy that sucka clean up. I'll leave you with a quote from the might Sid a rat up a shutter!!!????? WTF??????

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Liverpool Football Club

Yes, a club steeped in history. Fans so gracious and honourable they make non-Liverpool fans look like hooligan manatees. Today is a sad day for such a great club, Sir Benny Hillitez has had a bad night, well a bad week, well a bad year.
As a Coventry fan I understand the pain they have endured tonight, especially in the wake of the Portsmouth game. Coventry lost to a club with a grand total of 7 pence and a banana in the bank, but I'm not here to dwell on that.
Of course I am totally lying, Liverpool fans are the most ungracious fans that have ever existed in any sport in and century in the history of everything and their team is managed by a clearly deranged, spanish troll and owned by some crazy yanks. The pure unadulterated genius of the Reading game is this, a simple comment made by a fake scouse scum friend of mine on my facebook status following the Stephen 'ex-scouse scum, monkey looking, sick note twat' Wright own goal...............he simply put 'Stephen Wright Wright Wright'
Fast forward 24 hours, the faltering underachieving (well under achieving to the scouse scum fans, all other footy fans realise no teams 'deserves' to win trophies just because they are Liverscum) Liverpool face a replay at home against Reading. Much like the Coventry game, there is last minute drama and then a goal in extra time to crush the red fools must to the delight of most of the footballing world (be honest now). All that remains to do is post the following on a certain fake scouser's facebook page.....................Shane Long Long LONG!
Beachball indeed - season over for the filth, much merryment for everyone else