So, while sitting here at 6am in the morning waiting for my son to lay a log before I settle him back to bed, I find myself trawling through the YouTube – what a site it is. In this age of torrents and almost limitless ways to acquire free music, it’s YouTube that has still got to be the number one choice for quick access to tunes. You’re watching a film, there’s a song you recognise and think ‘oooooh I’ll just pop on YouTube for a look’. You’re having an argument with your 80’s chick missus about just how mullet Limahl’s mullet was – did it trump Pat Sharp’s? You look on YouTube, and of course should you need a link to the mighty Vman’s Ice Ice Baby for a forum, you go to YouTube.
Now that the most ineffective ban in the history of the internet has been lifted from the UK version of YouTube (I mean come on, although the official music vids were blocked, for every one official banned, there would be 6572345426 fan hacks) the might of drunken YouTube watching is back. Who hasn’t got to that stage, usually between 1 and 3am (maybe after being out on the razzle or just battering the Strongbow with mates around), where you just need to reminisce drunkenly with songs you used to be out on the town to? Of course even before (or after) that you’ll then hit the ads and TV show intros from your youth – Streethawk, Airwolf, Knightrider, A-Team, an endless stream of nostalgia seen through firmly rose tinted (alcohol induced) goggles. Then you hit the cartoons, Transformers, Ulysses, MASK, Centurions, Denver the Last Dinosaur (fucking ROCKING intro) to name but a few.
On your todd or with mates, the YouTube nostalgia trip is one of the greatest allowances the intraweborz gives us, I salute you fucking nerdos (albeit it rich no doubt) who gave us the mighty YouTube. I’m off to bed, after one more listen to Ice Ice Baby, wait, no, Ninja Rap, no, wait.........
Vman fuckin' WIN of the 20th century fo'sho'... DEADLY!