Saturday, 5 September 2009

XBLA mini review - Geometry Wars

I don’t like shoot ‘em up games, I was never a fan of the Asteroids game; I’m not big into high scores and hate the secret geometry wars game in PGR2. So I think you can see where this review is heading, Geometry Wars Evolved on XBLA is one of the finest games available and for me probably the best shmup game I have ever played. Hang on, that can’t possibly be right can it? Yes it is right, I Love this game. GW is a fast paced, good to look game which when you get down to the bare bones is just a very simple core game. There are very few classes of enemy, a small enclosed gaming area that doesn’t change, 3 classes of weapon and a smart bomb – that’s it. So what’s the hook? I’m damned if I know! All I know is that you pick up the pad and play the game, then again, and again, and before you know it you’ve played it for a few hours and are obsessed with beating your last score. It has a ‘one more play’ feel that is unrivalled. The game is an old skool, arse to the wall, death fest which will make your eyes (and soul) bleed, with graphics that are vibrant and alive.

The game play is balls hard with big jumps in difficulty after reaching various scores and a multiplier score system which will have you pulling your hair out when you lose a life. It’s one of those ‘zone’ games, you get in the zone and away you go, I have to point out here it does take tenacity to start getting past the 200,000 mark at every attempt. The enemy waves are random and can cruel or kind – what makes it a complete bitch of a game is the fact you need the really hard waves of baddies to punch up your score. The achievements are tough as well but still not so tough as to put you off going for them and surely that’s the key to a good achievement system.

This is a great little shooter and if you get a few of your mates on live with it you’ll be trying to piss up each others scores in no time and at 400 points it’s a steal.

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