Sunday, 6 September 2009

Lazy Sundays

Work sucks, and for most it sucks even more. Those punch magnet, jobsworths with their ‘I love my job and make loads of money’ can fuck off. Sunday has always been (for me anyway) the calm before the storm, the cider before the hangover, the shag before the crab. This all stems from school, the Sunday bath, the evening tea, the ‘should I watch TV, play games, wank, or do that overdue homework’ dilemma. The homework would usually get done on the bus to school or just fucked off altogether.

20 odd years later and things haven’t changed. OK so the homework has been replaced with general despair at the thought of Monday morning work, the TV shows are fetid corpses of their former selves, and doing a quick wank has been replaced by doing the wife/girlfriend/tranny/wanksock (delete as applicable). It’s the gaming that has evolved the most, and Sunday gaming is a thing that keeps me chilled and relaxed in preparation for the horrors that a Monday in admin brings.

Today has been awash with such a mix of gaming it makes me wonder did I even get anywhere with any of them LOL. Fortunately I did. I have gotten well over half way through, well, Half Life 2. I sneaked in a couple of levels on Sacred 2 as well as snagging a couple of pimpin’ items for Mr Pink shirt himself ‘The Asta’. My gaming was interrupted briefly by the missus stealing away my precious time to play Luxor 2 – god only knows why, the games is GASHPAP. Finally after wrestling the pad from her I had a razz on Viva Piñata: Trouble in Paradise (a game that still perplexes my head clean off). So all in all a good day of gaming which still could easily be added to with an online ganza with the RP boys.

My point is that on Sunday God (or whatever deity, if any, you should choose to believe in) supposedly rested and if he did? I’d bet he was playing fucking games, I know I was.

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