Friday, 4 September 2009

Get to da chopper!

It would seem the genius of Arnold Schwarzenegger films has finally being realised, albeit by substandard channels. The likes of ITV2 & 4, Fiver, the sci fi channel and even a few of the main stream Sky movie channels are showing Arnie films in all their glory (and gory). Following last week’s greatest film ever ‘Commando’ last night’s offering was the phenomenal Total Recall (yes, yes I know it’s based on some dead writer ‘Dicks’ work but who gives fuck – 3 tittied aliens piss all over electric sheep). Did it look dated? Not in the slightest (sort of) and if it did? Who cares, the film fucking rocks the socks and is deffo one of Arnie’s greatest films up there with Predator and the 2 Terminators.

Thinking back there are some truly magnificent action/sci fi films and not just the A list ones, the likes of Tremors is just jam packed full of win, with a side order of win. We must not forget the low budget horror stuff too, the C.H.U.D, the Brain Damage, the Food of the Gods, The Evil Dead etc. Sure, Sci Fi channel packs out a staggering amount of Z list slurry and that is worthy of a post of its own but it still isn’t quite as good as the 80’s stuff.
I salute the lower TV channels, I have been remise in my 80’s early 90’s film watching over the past few years but they have rekindled the love. I now have a ‘to watch’ DVD pile next to my TV and the gems in there are:

Commando as I only watched it in bits the other week
Robocop 1 &2
Terminator 1 & 2
Predator and maybe 2
Aliens and maybe Alien 3

I advise you all to go out and buy/watch at least one classic actioner film and get that old skool groove back. Above all else remember..........GET TO DA CHOPPA!!!!!!!

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