Monday, 7 September 2009

XBLA mini review - Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting

I am a huge fan of the Street Fighter games and as such could hardly keep the cum in my balls when Hyper Fighting was announced on XBLA, although there was a slight nagging voice at the back of my head because in my opinion the Hyper Fighting game is probably one of the weakest incarnations of SF. To give you some idea how sad I am when it comes to SFII I set my alarm for 8am to DL the game as soon as it hit the marketplace, of course its 8am US time – not UK, what a cock!

So after my original idiocy I finally get it downloaded and fire it up. Well the title screen looks to be arcade perfect! Wow, what an age we live in where a next generation console can produce 90s graphics. Simple menu system, leave the single player till later and get straight down to vs multiplayer, oh how I was ready to dish out the pain! Of course I didn’t take into account the woefully inadequate netcode that makes this game unplayable online, do I really mean unplayable? Yes I mean 100% un ‘fucking’ playable - unless of course you have never played any SFII game before, are blind, or even worse HAVE played an SFII game before but were so bad you actually died from playing it. This game does not reproduce the single most important facet of all SFII games – Timing. In the SFII games movement and control combinations are paramount and absolutely must be instant. In SFIIHF on live if you play anyone even more than 4 doors away from you its over, moves don’t connect, combo’s are just impossible and get this – you can hardly block because by the time you are blocking the move has hit you because of lag. If you do play someone from your own region it is slightly better but you still und up playing like someone who has only been playing the games for a few weeks because combos still just don’t work. Of course the fetid stench of the casual gamer soon wafts along and you find yourself fighting E Honda, Chun Li, and M Bison over and over because they have the cheapest mores in the game and with lag in the equation are almost unstoppable. This game is one of the single worst games available, it has nothing to do with the SFII games as there is no true skill involved – it’s just button mashing for the masses and I hate it for that and truly hope the creators of the XBLA version of this game are destroyed in a tsunami.

The single player of this game is adequate at best; it’s and arcade perfect re-creation of the worst version of SFII. So if you are a button mashing cunt, buy this game immediately and fuck off. I hate this game with a passion, its fucking shit.

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